Can The Medicine Be Consumed After Expiry Know If Someone Does What Will Be Happened

Can The Medicine Be Consumed After Expiry Know If Someone Does What Will Be Happened

Medicine: Sometimes, when someone gets sick or gets injured in an accident, then only saliva medicines work to save life. They are a very important part of our life. Medicines are prepared according to the prescribed standards. Medicines only help to get rid of many types of physical and mental diseases.

Should be careful in the matter of medicine

While buying and using medicines, we have to take care of many things. People are very serious about the expiry date of medicines and this is also correct. If any medicine has expired then we do not eat it again. People believe that after expiry the medicine can react or it can also act as poison. In such a situation, eating expired medicine can even cost your life. But is there any truth in this? Let’s know…

Does medicine become poison after expiry date?

Suppose if a medicine has expired on 31st March, then whether it can be consumed on or after 1st April, there is a very simple answer. First of all, medicines do not become poison immediately after the expiry date is over. The expiry date that all the pharmaceutical companies of the world put on their medicines means that after the expiry date, the company will not have any responsibility regarding the safety and effect of that medicine. After that date the company’s guarantee expires.

What to do if you eat expired medicine?

Now if we talk about whether expired medicines can be eaten or not? So on this the US Food and Drug Administration advises that expired medicines should never be eaten. There can be a lot of risk in this. We all should be very careful in the matter of medicines. If you accidentally consume expired medicine, take it seriously and contact the doctor immediately. Medicines kept at home should be kept away from the reach of small and unintelligent children.

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